Our mining depressants and collectors increase yield without increasing amount of non-target minerals. The specific chemicals you need will depend on your unique ore—don’t hesitate to reach out for more information.
Mining has used the same chemical processes since the 1940s. But as the ore available contains less of target minerals, the processes used must become more efficient—or scale mining operations struggle to maintain production levels.
That’s where we come in, with novel chemistry that updates outdated mining processes and improves collection yield.
Today’s prime ore is yesterday’s tailings. The decreasing quality of ore makes efficient processing more important than ever—and improved efficiency requires improved chemistry.
Our novel and proprietary fatty amine technology, delivered in packages including a collector, frother, and depressant, is designed to improve efficiency for iron, potash, rare earth, and sulfide minerals at scale.
Your mining operation and ore is unique. Your needs will continue to change over time, which is why we customize packages, each based on our proprietary chemistry, to match the demands of your business.
Whether your business changes or the regulatory environment shifts, we’ll be at your side to provide technical assistance—and great chemistry.
From improved selectivity to safer handling, we can immediately help you with your sulfide, iron, and potash mining challenges. Click to learn more.
Our mining depressants and collectors increase yield without increasing amount of non-target minerals. The specific chemicals you need will depend on your unique ore—don’t hesitate to reach out for more information.
Have any questions? Curious about new chemistry? We’d love to hear from you. Just fill out our contact form and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours.
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